Glimpses of grace seen in the everyday

Posts tagged ‘pillar of cloud’

Today and today and today

A stroke left my beloved uncle Leonard with a vocabulary of three words, one of which was “today.”  In his attempts to communicate, sometimes he’d say, “Today and today and today…”

Life is a series of todays.  That was the case also for the Israelites as they traveled through barren wilderness under Moses’ leadership.  Every day for 40 years God provided food for them—manna that appeared miraculously on the ground to be gathered enough for one day’s needs.  Every day for 40 years God guided them by His presence, visible in the form of a cloudy pillar (fire at night).  Wherever it stopped, there they stopped and set up camp—no mean job for two million people!  They never knew whether the pillar was going to stay for one night or a year, but whenever it moved, they pulled up stakes and followed.  No long-range planning on their part, just living today—and today—and today!

Just now I heard about someone who is planning to celebrate a significant anniversary two years early, because one cannot know what will happen by that time.  I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow either.  Though some advance planning is needed, I want to focus on living in the present with my Lord, not worrying about whether He’s going to provide, guide, and protect me. (He will!)         I want to savor every moment, every blessing, and seize every opportunity He offers to bless someone else. 

Day by day,
Dear Lord, of thee three things I pray:
To see thee more clearly,
Love thee more dearly,
Follow thee more nearly,
Day by Day.